Entwistle Water Reservoir and Pumphouse Replacement

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Project Description:

Construct a new water reservoir and pumphouse. The water source will be the new connection to the WILD waterline. Construction to begin in the summer of 2024 and completed by the Fall of 2025.

Scope of Work:

To construct a new water reservoir and pumphouse in the Hamlet of Entwistle to replace aging infrastructure and to increase capacity to meet current County standards.


Est. Start date: May 27, 2024 – September 2025

Schedule can change without notice, follow page for monthly updates.

Project Co-ordinator:

Contractor (Primary Contact): Alberco Construction, Fred Klaszus, 780-459-7110, info@alberco.com

Consultant: (Secondary Contact): ISL Engineering, Kugan Vinayagasothy, 780-438-9000, kvinayagasothy@islengineering.com

Parkland Project Officer: Sydney Gordon, 780-968-8888 Ext. 8452, sydney.gordon@parklandcounty.com


December 2024: Walls for the reservoir have been completed. Next steps will be forming the suspended roof slab and a first pour, weather depending, before Christmas. The WILD water line extension has been postponed until the spring of 2025 so no traffic detours will occur in December.

November 2024: The reservoir walls are approximately 70% complete with the remainder to be completed in November. The extension of the WILD water line to the project property will also be completed this month and this work will see some traffic detours.

October 2024: Alberco has completed the first wall pour and is almost ready for the second wall pour. October work is expected to have the remaining reservoir walls erected and poured.

September 2024: The second concrete pour has been completed and the base slab is now complete. Walls will begin to be formed, and rebar erected. After the formwork is complete the walls will be poured.

August 2024: The rebar for the base slab is near completion with the first pour completed. Upcoming work will be the second concrete pour of the base slab and continuation of rebar for the walls.

July 2024: Excavation of the new reservoir has been completed. The mud slab foundation has been poured with the next steps of the rebar formation of the base slab and concrete pours.

June 2024: Alberco was awarded the project and has mobilized to site. They have started to set up the project site and will begin excavating and fencing for the month of June.

May 2024: No Change.

April 2024: No Change.

March 2024: Construction contract has been issued to hire a Contractor to complete the project and begin this summer. Review and award of contract anticipated in April 2024.


Project Description:

Construct a new water reservoir and pumphouse. The water source will be the new connection to the WILD waterline. Construction to begin in the summer of 2024 and completed by the Fall of 2025.

Scope of Work:

To construct a new water reservoir and pumphouse in the Hamlet of Entwistle to replace aging infrastructure and to increase capacity to meet current County standards.


Est. Start date: May 27, 2024 – September 2025

Schedule can change without notice, follow page for monthly updates.

Project Co-ordinator:

Contractor (Primary Contact): Alberco Construction, Fred Klaszus, 780-459-7110, info@alberco.com

Consultant: (Secondary Contact): ISL Engineering, Kugan Vinayagasothy, 780-438-9000, kvinayagasothy@islengineering.com

Parkland Project Officer: Sydney Gordon, 780-968-8888 Ext. 8452, sydney.gordon@parklandcounty.com


December 2024: Walls for the reservoir have been completed. Next steps will be forming the suspended roof slab and a first pour, weather depending, before Christmas. The WILD water line extension has been postponed until the spring of 2025 so no traffic detours will occur in December.

November 2024: The reservoir walls are approximately 70% complete with the remainder to be completed in November. The extension of the WILD water line to the project property will also be completed this month and this work will see some traffic detours.

October 2024: Alberco has completed the first wall pour and is almost ready for the second wall pour. October work is expected to have the remaining reservoir walls erected and poured.

September 2024: The second concrete pour has been completed and the base slab is now complete. Walls will begin to be formed, and rebar erected. After the formwork is complete the walls will be poured.

August 2024: The rebar for the base slab is near completion with the first pour completed. Upcoming work will be the second concrete pour of the base slab and continuation of rebar for the walls.

July 2024: Excavation of the new reservoir has been completed. The mud slab foundation has been poured with the next steps of the rebar formation of the base slab and concrete pours.

June 2024: Alberco was awarded the project and has mobilized to site. They have started to set up the project site and will begin excavating and fencing for the month of June.

May 2024: No Change.

April 2024: No Change.

March 2024: Construction contract has been issued to hire a Contractor to complete the project and begin this summer. Review and award of contract anticipated in April 2024.


Page last updated: 09 Dec 2024, 11:44 AM