What is a Municipal Development Plan (MDP)?

    The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a high-level plan that establishes a vision for the County's growth over the next 30 years. It sets this future direction by identifying where different types of growth and development will occur, including residential, employment, recreation, and community service development. In addition to future land use, the MDP sets out policies to guide infrastructure, transportation, and environmental protection. 

    Municipal Development Plans (MDP) are required by the Alberta Municipal Government Act (MGA). They must be adopted by bylaw through a formal process involving three readings at Council and a Public Hearing.

    What is a Technical Growth Study?

     The Technical Growth Study provides analysis and projections for future growth in the County. Understanding anticipated growth and types of growth helps us plan for the right services and requirements to support growth in a way that continues to protect the characteristics that make Parkland County a great place to live, work, and play. The Technical Growth Study concludes with a preferred growth scenario, which is used to inform the overall Development Concept Map in the MDP, directing future land use. 

    Who is leading the MDP Update Project?

    The MDP Project is being lead by Parkland County’s Long Range Planning team. 

    Are consultants involved in the project?

    Parkland County has enlisted the support of O2 Planning and Design, a Canadian business with offices in Edmonton, Calgary, and Toronto. O2 will be supported by Lehman & Associates (Policy), FBM Planning (Market Analysis), and Al-terra Engineering Ltd. (Engineering).

    Why is an MDP update needed now?

    Under Section 632 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), the Province of Alberta requires all municipalities to adopt a Municipal Development Plan by bylaw. These MDPs must be frequently reviewed and updated to respond to changing conditions and continue to meet the evolving needs of the municipalities and their residents. 

    The last substantive Municipal Development Plan update in Parkland County was completed in 2017. A minor update was also completed in 2022 to reflect the City of Spruce Grove annexation and the County's absorption of the Hamlet of Wabamun. A broader update is required to respond to several regional and economic changes, including:

      • The phase out of coal: With the phase out of coal as a primary industry in the region, Parkland County is looking to foster and diversify growth opportunities within the County through its MDP policies.
      • Integration of Wabamun: The former Village of Wabamun became a hamlet within Parkland County in 2021. The County completed a minor amendment to the MDP in 2022, but a broader amendment is needed to align with work being done in the region, such as the recently completed Wabamun Area Vision.
      • Alignment with the Regional Agricultural Master Plan: The Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) approved the Regional Agricultural Master Plan (RAMP) in 2021. As part of the EMRB, the County's MDP will need to be reviewed to align with the RAMP and other shared regional priorities.

    How is the Municipal Development Plan related to the Land Use Bylaw?

    The province requires every municipality in Alberta to have both a Municipal Development Plan and a Land Use Bylaw, which set out priorities and regulations for all development. The requirements for these planning documents are laid out in the Municipal Government Act (MGA). 

    The graphic below illustrates the hierarchy of the County's planning documents.

    Municipal Development Plan

    Parkland County’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is the highest level County planning document. This plan is statutory, meaning it is legally binding. The MDP must align with the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan. Additionally, the MDP sets out direction that lower level plans and regulations must follow, including Area Structure Plans, Hamlet Area Redevelopment Plans, and the Land Use Bylaw.

    Land Use Bylaw

    The Land Use Bylaw is an important tool that the municipality has to implement the vision, goals, and policies of the Municipal Development Plan. Land Use Bylaws set out specific rules for development, such as what uses are allowed, how much parking is required, or how far a building must be setback from a street.

    Regulations in the Land Use Bylaw are informed by Parkland County's MDP, Area Structure Plans, and Hamlet Area Redevelopment Plans.

    Working Together

    Over the next two years, the LUB ReDesign will be completed at the same time as the MDP Update Project. The LUB ReDesign project team will conduct engagement in collaboration with the MDP project team to ensure that, as the projects work together, the resulting policies and land use regulations and informed by and aligned with each other.