Municipal Development Plan (MDP)
Consultation has concluded
Municipal Development Plan Approved and In Effect
Following a multi-year collaborative process, including approximately 60 hours of community engagement and 20+ open houses and workshops, Parkland County’s new Municipal Development Plan (MDP) was adopted by Council following its third reading on February 25, 2025.
The new Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 2024-22 is in effect immediately. You may view the updated plan on the County’s website or the project webpage.
How Does the New MDP Affect Existing Planning and Development Applications?
Applications received prior to the new MDP coming into effect will still be subject to the previous MDP.
Thank You!
On behalf of the Project Team, thank you for subscribing to the project webpage and for your involvement in the MDP Project over the past two years. Your input was invaluable in shaping the future of growth and development in the County! Over the next few weeks, the project webpage will be archived. But not to worry! You may still contact the Project Team or Customer Service at 780-968-8888 if you have any questions.
About the Municipal Development Plan
The MDP is a high‑level plan that establishes a clear vision for the County’s growth over the next 30 years. It sets future direction by identifying where different types of growth and development will occur, including residential, employment, recreation, and community service development. It also sets out policies to guide infrastructure, transportation, and environmental protection.
The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is Parkland County’s long-term plan for growth and development. It provides direction on how land is used, where services go and how communities expand. In order to keep up with the evolving needs of our County and its residents, the MDP must be reviewed and updated.
A Multi-phase, Consultative Process
The updated MDP reflects the outcomes of a Technical Growth Study and external and internal collaboration with the public, industry, agencies, interest groups, community associations and technical experts within Parkland County’s Administration.
In phase one, a Technical Growth Study was conducted to analyze growth scenarios, which offered clear direction on areas of growth and areas of conservation.
In phase two, new policies were developed to streamline processes.
Throughout both phases, extensive engagement was completed to support policy development.
Engagement for the project included the following events and public/industry input opportunities to address topics including growth opportunities, policy gaps and policy support, policy alignment, and policy education:
- 3 rounds of surveys
- 16 open house events, including a Cross County Roadshow
- 3 community workshops
- 3 industry workshops
- 4 chat with a planner sessions (virtual)
Development of the draft MDP also coincided with the Land Use Bylaw ReDesign process to review conceptual schemes, master site development plans and redesignation of subdivision development permits, alongside review of applicable policies.
Key updates to the new MDP
Notable updates to the newly adopted Municipal Development Plan include:
- The definition of six Shared Responsibilities that outline how Administration, industry and residents can work together:
- Build safe and resilient places
- Protect natural functions
- Conserve agriculture
- Manage growth
- Deliver efficient infrastructure and services
- Support tourism and recreation
- A Decision-Making Framework tool that can be used by Administration and the public to set clear expectations on what is required to progress future proposed developments.
- General agriculture policy updates to support the reduction of fragmentation and support diversifying agricultural operations for producers.
- Strengthened protections for the County’s natural features and functions.
- Alignment to the Land Use Bylaw ReDesign.
- Strengthened policies to support economic growth, infrastructure and services to the key industrial and growth areas of Acheson and the Hamlet of Wabamun.
Now adopted, the new MDP will guide growth for Parkland County going forward.
Ask away! The Project Team is happy to answer questions you may have after reviewing the draft Municipal Development Plan, Development Concept, and Decision-Making Framework. Questions and Answers that may be helpful to others may be posted publicly on the webpage. Questions and answers regarding personal or identifiable information will be kept private.